Player Rules




Only one account per IP, unless otherwised discussed with Admin Oric.


Any bug found must be reported to staff. If you are found abusing a bug you will be jailed or possibly banned.


No placing houses in a town.


Almost any items found around the world that are not locked down are considered serverspawn. These items are up for grabs and are perfectly legal to possess.


Do not abuse the page system. If you have a problem please only page once.




Do not ban players, if you are not sure jail the and let Admin Oric deal with it.


You must never give players items or rides.


Never teleport players unless they are stuck and having problems with the help menu.


Do not ressurect a player to their benefit. There are ankhs and healers for that.


Only authorized staff are allowed to hold events.


No building unless discussed with Admin Oric.


No tweaking anyone other than your GM character.